Tuesday, 25 February 2014

New collection *Forventning* from Papirdesign layout 'Family'

Idag har jeg laget en side i nydelige lilla toner med de nye arkene fra serien 'Forventning'.
De droppet ned i postkassa igår og jeg var jo selvfölgelig nödt til å 'pröve dem' med det samme. 
-Det blir kanskje litt som når mannen får en ny bil eller noe sånt.
-Og en flott måte å feire bursdagen min i dag!!
I hvert fall er det sånn att duften av nye papir er noe helt spesiellt :-)

Today I want to share a page with you that I made with the fresh from the printers new 
collection 'Forventning' I picked some papers in a fave shad of purple/lilac.
I received these yesterday and just 'had to' use them right away. 
What a great way to celebrate my birthday today!
There is something very attractive about the smell of newly printed papers.

Dessuten fikk jeg rotet litt blandt blomsterstäsjen og fant mye fint som passet.
Men det er jo ikke så rart med det enorme utvalget fra Papirdesign!!

I even dived into my flowerstash and came up with some beauties. papirdesign really 
has a large selection!!

Ett chipboardord  fikk utgjöre tittel for min layout og jeg synes at den passer veldig godt til både blomster og herlige papir.

The chipboard title is also by Papirdesign and I love the font that goes so well with the 
feel of my page.

 Jeg brukte ett lilla flöyelsband fra en Papirdesign båndpakke.

I used a piece of lilac ribbon also by papirdesign for my bow.

Nytt for denne sesongen er att papirdesign også har kakeservietter, som også kalles doilies.
De finns i to störrelser og den lille pakken har ti styker hver av fargene rosa, röd og hvit.
Den större störrelsen finns med 30 herlige hvite doilies.

New this season from Papirdesign is also that they have doilies. They are available in two sizes and each have ten pieces each of the colours pink, red and white.

Jeg tar med ett par extra blder på de fine dekorasjonene her.

A couple more close ups of my embellishments.

Takk for at dere tok en liten titt in her og forhåpentligvis har der fått litt inspirasjon!!

Thanks for dropping by and hopefully you were able to find some inspiration here today!

Dette er hva jeg har brukt/ These are the PD products that I have used:

Forventning -En ny vår
Forventning -Sommerfugl i solskinn
chiboardark - Baby
halvperler -lilla
gardenia -lilla 
miniroser/aster forskjellige farger
doily -10 cm
peoner -hvite, lilla
stempelplate -Strikk
lilla bånd
rosenknopp -lilla, rosa
grönne blad
buttons -Stjerner og hjerter


  1. This is absolutely gorgeous.. and Happy Birthday too!!

  2. Wow Bente this is just gorgeous in every way!

  3. Just love it...the heart is gorgeous and such a pretty color combo!

  4. Happy birthday Bente. Wishing you a year filled with love and joy. Beautiful page.

  5. Så nydelig LO, lekre papirer og vakker pynt ♥♥♥
    Gratulerer med dagen :)
    klem :)

  6. Wow oh wow! This is as gorgeous as can be! You did a wonderful job wih the purple papers.

  7. Hi Bente,
    Hope you’re well. I really like your projects and have an opportunity you may be interested in to join our Design Team. Would you be able to contact me as I can’t find your email address anywhere sorry! Thanks, Alison (alewis@ellison.com)

  8. Beautiful page Bente! Loooooove the purples and the design....just stunning!

  9. Oh dear, it was your birthday! I'm so sorry I missed it!! HUGE belated congrats, I hope you had a wonderful day!! LOVING your layout! the colors, the details .... everything!!
