Hi, I'm back to share a little something I made recently for Norwegian Papirdesign.
I have been a bit of a slacker during August and have not posted much here on my personal blog:-) .
I have been a bit of a slacker during August and have not posted much here on my personal blog:-) .
I picked out an older photo of my youngest and wanted to make a page with fall feling to it. Hopefully we will still have some good Summer-days, but early mornings you can definitely feel a little nip in the air that tells us the seasons will change soon.
I have used a mix of older and newer collections here.
That is one of the many good things about Papirdesign; it all goes together so well :-)
I think you can see that I based my design on this lovely sketch from Cest Maqnifique.

I did not bother so very much that everything would be in the right position as I wanted a more
carefree feel to the page. Although I did start out using a sketch.
A closer look:
Of course I had to use some of the gorgeous mini roses!!
For my title I used the lovely alphabetsickers in two different colours.
Apart from the roses and stickers I used mainly two sheets of papers and they are:
PD 10532 Treverk
PD12648 Sommerfugler
Klem/ Hugs,